Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Natalia's new interview!

To my husband I seduce cambiando´ to it

Now blond, Natalia Oreiro traveled to his pais

Multifacética, simple, beautiful, spontaneous, play. Thus it is Natalia Oreiro (30). And the list of adjectives could continue. Of visit in his native country, the talented singer and actress talked with FACES and shone happy his new look.

-- What said their husband who now is blond?

-- Poor, he is customary, although it is not possible to be complained, is because he has many women in a same one (laughter). My husband I seduce it with the change of look. Luckily, in my profession I found the excuse perfect to be able to do it all along. When they said to me of being part of this campaign of Sedal, in where it was Marilyn Monroe, he enchanted to me, I make up my spot by her! I feel that they put to me in a very prestigious place.

-- Everything what dreamed was fulfilling it (to sing, to dance, to model, to design), is some influence of its parents?

--La election of my works, without a doubt, I inherited it of my mother. It is very glamorosa, dot very well, but never she was animated to do it in professional form. Nevertheless, I was who of very small I saw a warning in the newspaper that requested actors for publicities, and soon made the decision to go to Buenos Aires. I am also a mixture of my papa, who is an industralist, very enterprising. But there is no an antecedent of artists in the family. The subject of the design arose because my mother began to sew our ropita to us in her old Singer, because we lacked resources. All the children went to the school with a common apron and mine it was a gathered skirt as if outside a dress of princess, imaginate, the boys said to me of everything. Of girl I always marked the tendency that I liked the different thing.

-- How it handles the subject of the changes?

--No is that to me it does not cost to change to me, which treatment is that the fear does not paralyze to me. For much people the conformismo to say is better: "I remain in the safe thing, I have been marrying with the boy of always, or am married for 35 years, I am not happy, but already to this height I remain thus". It is not that it throws me to the sink, all I analyze it enough, because I want to obtain a good result, but the important thing is not to remain with the desire of anything. I do not mean to arrive at the 50 years, and: "How I had liked to have with my sister the mark of of clothes that always I dreamed", I go and I do it and I spend equal all the savings to me that had given the previous soap opera me and it does not concern the commercial result to me. Or they offer important protagónicos to me and I choose to play a role secondary of an independent film that less people will see it, are elections by necessity of artistic and personal growth. I become bored to play roles always such, of not having challenges, in addition, if I chose this profession is for living many different lives, and I believe that people also hope of me to see different things.

-- Still it has left something pending to do?

--Me it would please in a future to direct cinema, to study, and by all the acquired experience I believe that it would be easier at the time of asking to him an actor how to trasmitir such-and-such feeling. Also it enchants the art direction to me, the photography, the illumination, but still lack much for that.

--Y is conductor in an ecological program...

-- Yes, without spirit of being conductor, volume plus the paper of a signaller, I understand that it is a subject of which I have knowledge and that surely what I say people are going to him to pay more attention than if a scientist said to it. It is an awareness program basically.

-- Projects for this year?

-- Hay a cinema project to do "Miss Tacuarembó", of Dani Umpi, directed by the Martín Argentinean Tailor, already is closing the coproduction. And there are others, but I consider premature to announce them now.

-- It is the idea to open the premises of the Oreiro in Uruguay?

--, Yes sure in Montevideo. Surely my mother would be to the front, fascinated, putting all the clothes (laughter). Today it is a very small company, that has much exhibition since there are many famous ones in Argentina that uses the mark, and only 6 months ago we began... The important thing is to grow without being hopeless. But who says to you, next year it would be best.

-- To Uruguayan what it would like to dress?

--Yo I remained a little outside, but ex- companions mine like Patricia Wolf, Laura Schneider, Zangaro Victory, that seems to me divine, would enchant to me. But they are women who come to me at the top because I know them, perhaps are others, but I do not know them. We want to rescue the real woman, with curves, glamorosa, of years 40 and 50.

--El 19 of May is its birthday, is also "different" to festejar it?

-- When festejo I make a great celebration of disguises or with music with deejay, and invite intimate friends and fellow workers. And if I do not make celebration, I go away of trip. For me the birthday is special and I like to remember it different. Still I did not decide, but I believe that this year I am going away to go of trip.

-- Children? He is in his plans?

-- Since I am 18 years old come saying to me: "When you are going away to marry, when you are going to have children ", when he has a son is going to say to me: "When the parejita comes". I want to have grandsons directly (laughter). The times have changed much, my mother had to my sister to the 21 years, the woman nowadays is more independent. He is the unique thing that I do not program, I leave life it surprises to me, and if it happens now welcome is, and surely it would not have nothing else important that that, but I am not desperate looking for a son. I would yes like to be able to live the experience to have a son and who is more than one. So far I have three godsons and one niece who I enjoy much.

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